Saturday, August 8, 2009

Jumping in Pools: Obama: Original Birth Certificate 'Lost in House Fire'

Jumping in Pools: Obama: Original Birth Certificate 'Lost in House Fire'

Fox News claims that they have found the newspaper announcement of Obama's birth in Hawaii. As for birth certificates, mine has my footprints on it, and others have hand prints.

What is puzzling is that his grandmother says he was not born in the USA, but in Africa, and what grandmother doesn't know when and where her daughter gives birth, or where her grandson is born? Also, what airlines would transport a woman who is 9 months pregnant? All I have seen is something typed out, and anyone can call in to a newspaper and announce a birth of a child, and they usually will print it. It's not a police report!

Why did Obama use an alias when applying for a special grant scholarship at Occidental College exclusively for foreigners, and foreign born? Why don't people jump on that in the news?! Personally, I think people are scared of Obama and his retributions. He's Chicago mob trained, and that political machine is ruthless and quick to get even, paybacks!

There is nothing really transparent about Obama, and it gets worse as time rushes by. I think the real and transparent Mr. and Mrs. Obama were exemplified in Rev Wright's sermons with all those people jumping up and down in the isles while Wright was pumping them full of hatred for the USA. Michelle further exemplified that attitude with her notorious remark, that she hated the USA until now, when the bling was now within reach (translation).

I think if the American english speaking people, if someone sat down with them, eyeball to eyeball, and really explained the truth about Obama and his rapid fire plans and implementation of such for the USA, his popularity would drop to near zero. The only people left supporting him would be those with their hands out, palms up, waiting for the welfare, Government instructions on everything, the kind of people who never would have left Europe's security and ventured across the Atlantic in sailing ships to forge a future here with no promises, except freedom and the need for self-reliance.